This is the story of Luca Bastardo. He has always been a homeless boy, living on the streets of Florence, until one day his best friend sells him to a local brothal owner. Nicolo Silvano. Silovano is a very evil man who enjoys killing. Luca is beat often and forced to work for Nicolo. Nicolo says he has a letter telling him who Luca's parents are and that they were evil. Luca is evil. Soon, the years go by and they realize that Luca doesn't age. He looks exactly the same as he did on the first day he was brought to the brothel. This is something that will haunt Luca for the rest of his life.
As time passes, Luca gets stronger and Nicolo grows older. Then one day luca realizes he could kill Nicolo. He does that and free's all the slave women and children working for Nicolo. However, Nicolo's son promises to one day kill Luca. The Silvano clan is always out to get him.
The story follows Luca on his travels. He stays away from Florence at times and other times he comes back to live for awhile. He must be careful because he never ages.
He travels with the Medici army to the town of Volterran. There he meets the women, who is just a girl at this point, that he will later fall in love with.
I know I'm not doing this story justice. There was so much that happened in it. In the beginning Luca is only about 13 and at the end he is about 175. So there is a lot that happens. I suggest reading the book description on another website such as Amazon, to get a better understanding.
I admit that I thought the fact that he didn't grow old a little odd for the story and not really fiting with the times, but the rest of the book kept my interest that it didn't really bother me. I also will admit that I'm not much of a historian so I can't tell you if all the historical facts in the book are true or if I noticed mistakes. There are many famous names/people that Luca befriends, such as Leonard de Vinci, Cosimo Medici, and Giotto.
This book really held my interest. It's a tad over 500 pages and I read it in about 5 days. I think that shows how much I enjoyed it. I think if you enjoy historical fiction, you should look into this book.
fiction/new author/513pgs/chunkster
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