Have your book-tastes changed over the years? More fiction? Less? Books that are darker and more serious? Lighter and more frivolous? Challenging? Easy? How-to books over novels? Mysteries over Romance?
I love mysteries, I have for awhile, so mysteries are still the majority of the books that I read. However, I am reading more thrillers and more detective mysteries and not as many cozy mysteries. The reason behind this, I get asked to review a lot of books and rarely are any of them cozy mysteries. I have a hard time passing up a free mystery!
I also read more non-fiction than I used to. Non-fiction you say? After you look at my blog and I have only read, um, 5 this year so far. Well, that is 5 more than I used to read! haha!
I also don't read as much chick lit as I used to. I would love to read more, but those darn mystery review books get in the way. haha!
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