****I plan to make this a sticky post for the month of March. After March, I'll put a link on my side-bar. ****
Are you ready for the cozy mystery challenge again? I'm making some changes this year, hopefully this will work a little better for those who want to participate.
Challenge Rules:
1. The challenge runs from April 1, 2009 –September 30, 2009 (6 months)
2. The goal is to read at least 1 cozy mystery for each month, so a total of 6. You can read these all in the same month, one per month, or however you want.
3. It is ok to use books that you are already reading for other challenges, however at least 2 need to be specific for this challenge.
4. You do not need to have a blog to participate
5. You are not required to make a list of books you plan to read ahead of time, but it would be fun if you did. I do ask that you at least create a post for this challenge and link back to this post. Please also note how many books you plan to read for this challenge.
6. You must sign-up before April 1st, so the last date to sign up is March 31st. Update: I'm changing this one, you can sign-up anytime before September!
7. To sign up for the challenge – please use Mr. Linky below. Behind your name, please put the number of books you plan to read for this challenge in (). Example: Kris (6) If you have trouble with Mr. Linky, just leave a comment.
8. At the end of the challenge, If you have a blog, please create a wrap-up post telling others how you did and listing each of the books you read for the challenge and link them to your reviews. I will create a posting regarding the end of the challenge and ask that you sign Mr. Linky and link your wrap-up post. That made sense right? If you don't have a blog, just enter your name and the number of books you did read in (). Example: Kris (6).
9. Prizes you ask? Of course! For each person who completes the challenge, I will send you a homemade bookmark. I know – you are overcome with excitement you can join this challenge fast enough!
That's it! If there are any problems/questions, please let me know! Please help yourself to the button I created for this post.
Interested in this challenge but not sure what a cozy mystery is? Check out this website, it should help you out.
I need a day to look over my reading lists, but I think I'll be joining you on this challenge.
I am not sure what Mr.Linky is, lol, but I think I did it right, Kris?
Beth - Would love to have you participate!
BookAddict - I'm pretty sure you got it, I don't see the number of books you plant to read behind your name, but that's ok, I won't hurt you. haha!
Uh, Kris, what is a cozy mystery? I want to get back into reading more so I'd love to do the challenge. I think cozy mysteries are different from regular mysteries if I remember right though. Um?
not sure how many books i plan on reading yet. but i will let you know when i post a list at my blog.
Andrea - check out this website,
www.cozy-mystery.com, it should help you out. In a nutshell - a cozy mystery usually doesn't have any gory details about the murder, the person who solves the case isn't in law enforcement, no sex or cursing.
Heidi - Glad to see you are going to participate again this year!
1. I am in for six books.
2. Thanks for the great cozy mystery site.
3. I love bookmarks:)
4. Thanks for hosting such a fun challenge.
I adore cozies. I can't wait to get my pile of books together. I think all of the cozies will come from my TBR pile.
Book Psmith - Thanks for joining the challenge! You'll have to make sure you read all 6 so you get a bookmark. For a sneak peak at some you can pick from, check out my etsy link on the left side of my blog. I hope to have more designed by the time the challenge is over too.
Tea - I'm so glad I'm not alone in my love of cozies! Can't wait to see what you read.
I'll join the cozy challenge, I like new bookmarks. I'll read these 6 books. Linda Barnes, "A Trouble of Fools", Michelle Scott, "Corked by Cabernet", Joanna Campbell Slone, "Paper, Scissors, Death", Susan Wittig Albert, "Woomwood", Laura Childs, "Death by Darjeeling", and Diane Mott Davidson, "The Cereal Murders". Carol
Mom - er -Carol - I think you'll have fun with your first challenge!!!!!
Boy, it will be hard to choose which books I want to read. I have so many cozy mysteries on my tbr list.
Violette - I totally understand..it was hard making my selection.
I know the feeling. I have cozies by my bed. Then, I see other ones I like on my shelf. That makes me want to switch and change and do it all over again. One thing I am sure of, I need to start this challenge.
I just joined here. Didn't add the amount of books as I'm still not sure which ones to pick.
Thanks for doing this challenge!
Ana O. -Thanks for joining! I'm sure I'll be messing with my list too. haha!
I need to make a list of the six cozies I want to read, or I will keep changing my mind or forget what I chose at first.
Great challenge - will decide what books I'm reading over the next few days.
Post here:
Sounds like fun. I know I have p;enty in my stacks.
I linked to your blog. Here is the post about the books I'm going to read:
Diane - Thanks for your interest, I'm like you, there are plenty for me to choose from. haha!
Cookie - can't wait to see your list!
Tea - That's why I made a list, but I might be changing it. haha!
I haven't read many mystery novels but count me in!
Rhinoa - Great! Glad you decided to join!
This sounds like loads of fun - I'm in! :D
♥ Nely
Nely - Yeah! Thanks for joining.
Yeah - Thanks for joining Trish!
I would love to join this challenge. I do not have a blog so I am leaving a comment.
iris (12)
Iris - not a problem! Thanks for joining!
Ooh, I just love cozies. In fact, I'm having a contest right now for Oolong Dead by Laura Childs.She is giving away an autographed hard cover of her latest in the teashop series. I've already read it and it's really very good. I'll work on my list today.
Thanks for a great challenge.
I just posted my list at
Looks like it will be a lot of fun! Thanks for hosting.
Kaye - Thanks for joining! I'm off to check out your contest and list now.
I've finished my first cozy for the challenge. It's titled "Knit One, Kill Two" by Maggie Sefton. Now I have to write my review.
Tea - You started early, but I'll let it slide this time. Lol! I've been anxious to start mine as well.
I'm in! Sounds like fun!
Thank you. I didn't start way, way early. I understand you have to start at the right time. I'm sorry. I'm still trying to learn how to keep up with Challenge dates, beginning and finishing. You are so kind. If you want I could discount that book, honesty means a lot.
Tea - no worries - I was just giving you trouble. I believe I've accidentally started books too early and finished them early myself, it happens.
Thanks for understanding. I'm going to write my dates in my book journal or find somewhere to put the dates on my blog.
Tea - no problem. I actually have a word doc where I keep track of all my challenges. I have the name of the challenge, the dates, then the books I'm going to read for it (unless of course I haven't picked books yet). I usually seperate my challenge books and I keep a printed list with them, that way I can browse the books, find one that gets my interest, then check the list to make sure the challenge is currently active. Although sometimes instead of browsing the books, I just look through the list and select a book that way.
Kris, good idea. Thanks for the help.
Kaye convinced me that I should join - and I must confess, I am really looking forward to this challenge. Thanks for hosting!
Tea - you're welcome
Molly - glad you decided to join!
I'm in! Thanks for hosting.
Whitney - Thanks for playing!
I'm sorry I'm 4 days late but I just read about this challenge at Yvonne's blog and just had to sign up.. I hope you don't mind Kris :)
And bookmarks, they are the best gifts for book addicts like us :) and being homemade is ever more precious!
Thanks for hosting this challenge :)
Desert Rose - No problem, I'm pretty easy going. Thanks for joining!
I just read about this challenge-is it possible to still sign up please? I've recently been introduced to cozy mysteries and really like them for fun reading when I'm not well.
Sandra - sure! go ahead and sign-up, glad you are enjoying cozies!
Can I sneak in too, Kris? Pretty please?
Literary Feline - sure - why not? haha!
I've decided to join the challenge. I've not completed a challenge before so this is my first.
Thanks for hosting, I'll be posting about this soon.
Red Lady-Bonnie - Thanks for joining! Maybe this can be the first challenge you complete!
This sounds like great fun. I'm going make it harder for myself. I will choose books to fulfill this challenge from 6 different new authors in the cozy genre. This is particularly hard for me as I like to stick with what I know I like. On Goodreads I will start a new bookshelf: "Cozy Mystery Challenge 2009" to keep myself honest. And I promise to post a review when I'm done. There!
Esther- haha! Sounds like loads of fun if you ask me! Can't wait to read your list.
Can´t help it; I just have to enter this one.
I hope you are not terrible strict about the genre as I tend to think that all the crime novels I enjoy are ´cozy´ (but then I can always pretend it is just because I am Danish that I am so stupid).
Dorte - haha! You know, I think each of us has some books we consider cozies that other's probably wouldn't. So if you consider it a cozy, I say it counts.
Hi Kris,
I am new to this world of Reading Challenges and can't wait to begin. I would love to join the Cozy Mystery Challenge. I do not have a blog and I cannot figure out how to join via Mr. Linky and enter a url...Help...Thanks much,
Coni - Thanks for joining! I hope you have fun with the challenge. since you don't have a blog, you won't be able to sign-up using Mr. Linky, so just leaving the comment that you did is good enough. If you have made a list of the books you plan to read, leave a comment listing them, if you like, it's not required.
Cozy mysteries = tea, scones and Agatha Christie
Mae - it does seem like that sometimes doesn't it? Unfortunatly I don't drink tea, eat scones, or read Agatha Christy. lol! But it does sound like a great combination.
Thank you so much for letting me jump in & thank you,Desert Rose 4 dropping crumbs to this challenge = ].
The Book Resort - You're welcome! The more the merrier.
Well, I just messed that up. I thought the Mr. Linky thingy would take me to where you could post a review link. The last time I was here, I couldn't seem to get it to work. Not easy being a technologically challenged granny! Anyway, I just posted a review of my 4th cozy, Dare to Die by Carolyn Hart here.
Kaye - no problem! I'll get your review added to the review list. Thanks for letting me know.
Is it still to late to join? I found this through literary felines blog and would be interested to sign up.
Caspette - Nope - it's not too late! feel free to join if you are still interested.
Sorry I posted twice I must confess to not reading the note after posting that said "to be approved" doh.
Anyway thanks for letting me join up I love cosy mysteries and need the extra motivation to dedicate more time to them.
Caspette - No problem! I do stuff like that all the time. Glad you joined!
This looks like a wonderful challenge and I happen to love mysteries. I think forgot to put the number of books I plan to read after my name so hopefull here will be okay. I plan to read six books.
Lovelylissie - Thanks for joining! Hope you enjoy it.
Hi, I have just completed the challenge and my wrap up is hereThanks for hosting such a fun challenge, I would definitely do this one again!
I finished! Yay!
Book Resort - yeah! Congratulations!!!!
Finally, I finished my first cozy mystery for the challenge. I really it. I finished "Death at Wentwater Court" by Carola Dunn. Now I need to write my review.
I'm reading my second cozy. The cozy is the first in the series of Carolyn Hart's Death on Demand series. The book is titled "Death on Demand."
I've read some of the books in this series. I love the series so much. I decided to begin it from the very first book.
I didn't see Mr. Linky, my challenge post is http://mybookdragon.blogspot.com/2009/06/cozy-mystery-challenge.html
I've already read 4 cozy's since April 1st, and should be able to read the last two before the end of the challenge.
Gina/BookDragon (6)
Glad to find such a great site - and six cosies in six months? A great excuse to read:)
I just saw this challenge and would still like to participate. Didn't see Mr. Linky. Love mysteries. With the other challenges I picked up, I will commit to 3. I will have to take a look at the other lists to see some that qualify as "cozy". Thanks.
Queen Bees - Thanks for joining - there is still plenty of time to read some books for the challenge.
Hi Kris! I'd like to join this challenge. Since I'm joining late, I'll choose 6 books. If I'd joined earlier, I'd probably read more. Say, your blog is great! Thank you for hosting this challenge! Books - Pamela (6).
Pamela - Thanks! So glad you are joining...but can't believe you are going to try and do 6 in 2 months - good luck!!! I know I wouldn't be able to. haha!
I just finished this challenge and really enjoyed my reads. I loved doing it so if you plan another for next year count me in. I'm going to write my wrap up post during the weekend and will come back to post it soon. :-)
Thanks for organising it!
Ana - Congrats on finishing! I will definitely be doing this one again next year!
I have finished, here are my books:
1. Evanovitch, Janet Eleven on Top
2. Page, Kathrine Hall The Body in the Bondfire
3. Clark, Caol Higgins Cursed
4. Hess, Joan Malpractice in Maggody
5. Page, Katherine Hall The body in the Moonlight
6. Taylor, Theodore Sweet Friday Island
7. Blackwood, Gary L The Shakespeare stealer
8. Henry, Sue The Refuge
9. Henry, Sue Dead North
10. Tarbox, Katherine A Girl's Life Online
11. Keene, Carolyn The Perfect Plot
12. Page, Katherine Hall The Body in the Ivy
Kris, I received my bookmark!! I love it, thank you so much for sending it.
Ana - I'm so glad it finally arrived! I feel horrible it took me so long to get them mailed..but at least I got it done. haha!
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