Copyright: 2009
Publisher: Atria Books
Genre: Mystery
Pages: 305
Challenges: The Pub Challenge
New-to-me author? yes
Simple Description
Bernie is a private investigator. He is currently divorced and not doing too well as far as money goes. He has a loyal dog named Chet. In fact, Chet is the one telling this story. Bernie gets a job tracking down a teenage girl. He soon learns that the father isn’t too concerned about his daughter, although he tries to appear like he is. Then one night Chet goes missing. Well, as far as Bernie knows Chet is missing. Since Chet is telling the story we know what is going on. Chet is kidnapped and taken to a location far from his home with Bernie. While there he is mistreated and actually sees the girl that Bernie is trying to track down. Luckily, Chet is able to escape and by a miracle is reunited with Bernie. Soon Bernie and Chet are told they aren’t needed to find the girl anymore, the father believes she is just a runaway. This doesn’t seem right to Bernie though, so he continues with the investigation.
Why did I read this book?
I thought the book sounded liked something I would like, sounded like a cute mystery.
What I liked most:
I loved that it was told from Chet’s point of view, the dogs view. So fun and not something I have encountered before.
Was there something I didn’t like?
Not really.
Do I recommend the book?
I really do! This was such a fun book. I laughed, ok, chuckled, out loud several times. You still get a good mystery story even though it’s from the dog’s view. I believe they are making this into a series, and if so I can’t wait for the next one.
Also reviewed by:
Biblophile by the Sea
Lesa's Book Critique
Lover of Books
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Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by……Kris
This does look fun!
I love books told from an animal's perspective.
Sounds like a fun one.
I haven't ever read a mystery told from an animal's point of view before but this sounds very cute!
Lezlie - It was a really cute book -very fun, I see your profile pic is of dogs, so I bet you would love it!
Bermudaonion - this is the first Iv'e read like this and was very pleasantly surprised.
Beth - It was a lot of fun, just the type of book that I needed.
Ladytink - this was my first too - I bet you would really like it.
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