Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Book burning - in this century? Give me a break!

I found the above article rather entertaining and unbelievable. a somewhat smaller town...some parents think they have the right to tell other parent's children what is and is not ok to read. They want some YA books moved to the adult section so they can't be found in the YA section. Then, another group of older men got on board with this and decided they wanted some of the books burned. BURNED! Seriously people!!! Time to grow up. It's a book. If you don't want your kid to read it..don't let them (and I can promise they will find a way to read it without you knowing). However you don't have the right to tell other people's children what is ok for them to read. Wouldn't it be a better idea to just read the book along with your child and discuss it with them? Doesn't that make more sense? It does to me.


Shalyn said...

The world never ceases to amaze me.

Beth F said...

Sigh.... and these are the same people who claim they are patriotic and uphold the Constitution...

Unknown said...

Shalyn & Alyce - I know! just need to mind your own business - least those people do. haha!

Unknown said...

Beth - I know....that's what really gets me.

Book Dragon said...

I wish I'd had the link when I had my little rant about this.