Friday, October 16, 2009

Honor our fallen and pray for their familes

Usually on Fridays I try to share a picture that makes me smile or that I enjoy. Today is a bit different. I learned earlier today that one of my friends received devistating news yesterday. Her son, Brandon, was killed in action. He was serving in Afghanistan.

So today I ask that you honor the fallen soldiers who are fighting for our freedom and for the freedom of others. I ask that you remember their families because they are going through a tough time. I don't live in the same state as my friend, so I can't be there for her. I'm actually not sure what I can do although I want to do something. I ask that you just keep her and her family in your thoughts. For those of you who pray, I ask that you send a brief prayer for my friend and her family. Thank you.

Update - if anybody is interested - here's an article on my friend's son, click here.


Poppy Q said...

Sorry to hear about your friends son. Our thoughts go to his family.

Taminator said...

Kris, this is a beautiful tribute.

bermudaonion said...

This is devastating news. It just sent chills through me. I will pray for strength for your friend's family.

Thoughts of Joy said...

This really touched me. My heart goes out to the family. Prayers are being sent.

BookAddict said...

Thanks for posting this Kris. I just can't believe this happened.