Copyright: 2007
Publisher: Berkley
Genre: Mystery
Pages: 256 pg
Challenges: Read your own books, Series Challenge 3
New-to-me Author: No
Author's Website
Simple Description:
Nikki Sands works at a winery in Napa Valley. She is the manager and she loves it. Recently a hotel and spa was built on the property and also a restaurant. Nikki likes the restaurant owner although she know he is hard on those who work for him and can cause some to dislike him. She never thought somebody would turn to murder though. But..when she finds Georges murdered in the Spa, she realizes at least 1 person disliked Georges enough to get rid of him. She decides to look into the murder, not only because of her curiosity but also because the detective told her to mind her own business. Mixed in with all of this is Nikki's love life. She's been dating Andre' but isn't able to commit yet. That's exactly what he wants of her though. He wants her to go to Spain with him for 6 months. Nikki likes him, but she also has feelings for her boss. She hasn't done anything with those feelings though because she doesn't believe her boss feels the same way about her.
Now what you really want to know....my thoughts:
I really like this series. This author has two series, this one and a horse lover's series and I loved both right from the first book. You can't help but love the characters even though some can make you crazy sometimes. I like that in this one Nikki admits that she's doing the snooping just because she is interested in knowing what happened. I like Nikki and I'm glad that the cliff hanger at the end leaves you knowing that she will make a decision on which guy she wants.
In my opinion this is a great cozy mystery series, one that I think most cozy lovers will enjoy. Definitely start from the beginning of the series though, but then, you were all probably going to do that anyway. haha!
This book is part of my collection and was either bought or given to me.
Sounds good! When characters make you crazy, it means you feel a connection to them, which makes for a great book for me.
Yes, I have read this one and even the one after it where the guy she decides to go with is revealed (I won't spoil it!)
It is an enjoyable mystery series that I think most cozy mystery lovers will devour. Nice review of it.
AF Heart
Bermudaonion - Very true, regarding the characters.
A.F. Heart - I already know who she chooses, I made the mistake of reading what the next book is about, it's who I assumed it would be though, so that made me happy.
this sounds like a fun one!!
BookAddict - I bet you would like this one, this author has two series that Barbara really liked and I like..so that means you need to read them! haha!
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