Pages: audio
Challenges: Stephanie Plum Challenge, Audio Book Challenge
Author's Website
Simple Description:
Fearless Fourteen
Stephanie and Morelli think this has something to do with her brother, Dom Rizzi. Dom recently got out of jail , he was in there for robbing a bank. He had 3 other partners and it appears they want the 9 million Dom hid before he went to jail. Loretta is being held hostage until the 4th, unknown, partner gets the money.
Meanwhile, Lula has surprised Tank by convincing him they are engaged and wanting the wedding to be the following month.
Now what you really want to thoughts:
I have to admit, when I first started to read this series I loved and read a lot of them fairly quickly. Then I hit that mark where the books were just the same time after time and I didn't care to read them and went for awhile without actually reading one. Then I decided to get one on audio. Fantastic idea! I love the audio versions of these books. I thought this one was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it. I'll definitely finish this series, but I'll wait a month or two to listen to the next one.
This audio book was rented from my local library.
I am an amazon associate
I know these books are all the same, but I still enjoy them. They're lots of fun.
I might have to try that . . . I do have a copy of this one in physical form though, so maybe I'll start the audio's with the next one.
I love this series! It's my favorite collection.
Bermudaonion - I always end up smiling like an idiot in the car when I listen to these.
Literary Feline - I think you'll like the audio format, the reader does a great job.
Veggiemomof2 - This is a series I recommend a lot too. It's the perfect thing when you just want something light and fun.
I have read all of the Stephanie Plum books,and you are right, they do start to sound the same after awhile so I appreciate the suggestion to try audio format to mix it up a little!
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