Wednesday, November 24, 2010's challenge sign-up time for 2011 heard me right, it's that time of year (although I'm guessing most of you already you knew that).  Time when people start putting up posts announcing the 2011 challenges.   It's only begun, and already there are several new ones (at least new to me) that I'm interested in and planning to sign-up for.  From now until the end of the year I'll be posting about the challenges I'm signing up for.  I'm going to try and spread them out so I only have one post per day so you aren't bombarded with tons of posts from me each day as you we move into the busy holiday season.

Part of me says "Kris, why oh why do you do this to yourself?  You know you haven't been reading as much as you have in past years.  You know you never finish all the challenges you sign up for. Why must you sign up for so many again next year.  And new ones!  Why oh why are you going to join new challenges when you can't even finish the ones you love to sign up for year after year."

The other part of me, the part that is more fun (let's just be honest) says "Go for it!  You know you love challenges.  You know you feel good when you complete one.  It doesn't matter if you don't officially complete a challenge, it's the effort that matters. It's the fun of finding books for a challenge that matters. It's going out of your comfort zone that matters."

As you will soon see, as the end of the year draws near, I'm going to be listening to the side of me that's more fun (the side that always gets me in trouble).


Marce said...

You are to funny, I look forward to see what you sign up for.

I was new to blogging last year and was good at not signing up in order to get a feel for it. I only joined 4 challenges and 1 I won't complete.

But guess what, I started my own for next year, check it out :-)

Unknown said...

Marce - they are addicting aren't they? You're challenge is one I'm thinking of joining! haha! I want to go back through the books I read this year and find the new authors and pick from those which I want to try and read for the challenge.

Literary Feline said...

There are a couple of challenges I am considering signing up for--relatively easy ones. I had decided when I found out I was pregnant though not to sign up for any, not knowing whether I'd have time or be in the mood. So, I'm trying to decide now whether to dive in or stick with the original plan.

Veggiemomof2 said...

I do it for the same reasons as you. Because I need something to inspire me to step out of my comfort zone.

Happy Reading!

Unknown said...

Literary Feline - I say go for it! I'm sure it will be hard to fit in some reading time, but you never know....

Karen - I'll be sure to post about lots of challenges. haha!

veggiemomof2 - Exactly! It's funny that I usually end up enjoying the books that are out of my comfort zone, yet I need the push to read them.