Thursday, February 10, 2011

2011 Pub Challenge

I've decided to sign up for another challenge.  I know, I know. I'm crazy! I'm a challenge addict!  However, this is one that won't really be much of a challenge because I've already read several 2011 releases this year and plan to read more.    I think I'm actually using this one more just to see how much I really do read this year.

The 2011 Pub Challenge is being hosted by Michelle of 1 More Chapter.

The rules:

Here are the 2011 rules:
  1. Read a minimum of 11 books first published in 2011. You don’t have to buy these. Library books, unabridged audios, or ARCs are all acceptable. To qualify as being first published in 2011, it must be the first time that the book is published in your own country. For example, if a book was published in Australia, England, or Canada in 2010, and then published in the USA in 2011, it counts (if you live in the USA). Newly published trade paperbacks and mass market paperbacks do not count if there has been a hardcover/trade published before 2011.
  2. At least 6 titles must be fiction.
  3. Crossovers with other challenges are allowed.
  4. You can add your titles as you go, and they may be changed at any time.
  5. Sign up at the Pub Challenge site ( using Mr. Linky.
  6. Have fun reading your 2011 books!


bermudaonion said...

Have fun with the challenge!

Veggiemomof2 said...

Welcome! Are you finished w/this challenge yet? LOL

Unknown said...

Bermudaonion - Thanks!

Veggie - lol! Not yet..I think I have read 4 already though. haha