Thursday, January 5, 2012

War Through the Generations - WWI

I couldn't resist signing up for the War Through the Generations challenge again this year.  While I might not have done well with the Civil War challenge, I barely read anything for it although I watched a lot of documentaries, I still love this challenge as it gives me the kick in the pants I need to read about the different wars.  This is something I'm interested in yet tend to put on the back burner.

This year the war we'll be reading about is WWI.  A war I admit to know almost nothing about so I'm looking forward to the educational journey.

The level I'm going to participate in is:
Dip: Read 1-3 books in any genre with WWI as a primary or secondary theme.

The read-a-long book for this year is A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway.   While the read-a-long will happen mid-way through the year, I'm going to work on getting a copy and will probably read it earlier so I make sure to get it finished.   In fact, it might be the only book I manage to read for this challenge but I figure one is better than none.

If interested in signing up please visit the War Through the Generations Blog and let them know!


bermudaonion said...

Good luck!

Anna said...

Glad you'll be joining us again this year! Don't worry about not doing so with with Civil War reading. The challenge is supposed to be fun and no-pressure, just a way to broaden your reading horizons. And I only finished my goal for the Civil War by the skin of my teeth!

I didn't see you on the WTTG sign up page, but I added you to the participants page at any rate. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Bermudaonion!

Thanks Anna - I decided towards the end of the year to just call it quits on all challenges and it was somewhat refreshing. I do love this challenge though because it's been such a learning experience for me.

Anna said...

I just found your comment on WTTG. For some reason it was in the spam folder, but it's approved now. ;)