Friday, March 2, 2012

Saying good-bye to Audio books

Not forever. I don't want to break up with them permanently but I feel we need a separation for now.  I love audio books and it's been a great way for me to get in some quality reading as my life has gotten busier.  However, with the emotional roller coaster I've been on the last handful of months I've found myself not enjoying them as much. I just don't pay attention in the car because my mind wanders and I think about a lot of other things.  

I finally decided that we just need a break for now.  A little distance might be good.  We'll come back stronger and better than ever!

I feel like I probably won't pick them up again until after I return to work from maternity leave, so it's going to be sometime this summer.  Then I'll see how we are doing and if we can rekindle our love. It might be difficult still as the cd player in my car is still broken and I have to use my ipod and an attachment. This means the quality is somewhat less than good.  I'm willing to give it a try again as long as they are.

So long audio books, I loved you and I feel like this is just a bump in the road for us. I look forward to getting back together later this year.


bermudaonion said...

I hope everything's okay.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bermudaonion - I think it's just all the hormones. At least that's what Husband and I both hope it is. haha