Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Improbable Cause by J.A. Jance

Improbable Cause is the 5th in the Beaumont series by Janet Evanovich. A dentist is found murdered in his office. The secretary claims not to know anything however she seems to be lying. The wife recently left him and went to a women’s shelter, taking the 2 kids. The mother was in the hospital with a broken hip. The dentist was having carpet installed and all the tools are still there however the carpet installer can’t be found. Beaumont knows this guy is a creep – but he still needs to find the murderer and the suspects are lining up. Did the battered wife do it? Did she get the carpet installer to do it? How about the grieving secretary? And what about the 2 sisters who are taking care of his mother – are the upset enough to take action into their own hands?

I am still really enjoying this series. I like how Beaumont is still out solving the crimes however Peters is still a strong presence in the books.

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