Monday, July 2, 2007

The Royal Treatment by Mary Janice Davidson

Alaska is it's own country, run by a royal family. Although this isn't your typical family, the crown prince has turned one of the halls into a sanctuary for penguins, the king likes to grow a beard and go on fishing trips pretending he is a commoner (and doesn't fool anybody), and the other princes/princessess are all a little odd also. The crown prince needs to get married and he doesn't care who it is as long as she is pretty and can produce an heir. The king is on one of his fishing trips when he meets Christina Krabbe. Christina lives in the states and just happens to be on this fishing trip. The King immediatly loves her attitued, not what you would expect from a girl and especially when talking to the king. He knows she would be the perfect wife for his son. He invites Christina to the castle, and since she has nowhere else to go and no money, she accepts his offer.

This is a wacky and fun story about how Christina becomes the princess of Alaska and how she still talkes dirty and doesn't really want servents or to spend a ton of money, etc. I think when you read this book you have to go into it expecting things to be silly, if you do, I think you will enjoy this book. I loved Christina's attitude to the royal family - she treated them like she would anybody else. I thought the interaction between the charactors was great. This was a quick read for me and fun...I'll have to read the rest of the series when I'm in the mood for a light and fun read.

new author/fiction/314pgs

1 comment:

Lover of Books said...

That sounds like a good book. :) lol