Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Ghost and Mrs. McClure by Alice Kimberly

This is the first in the haunted bookshop mystery series.

Penelope re-decorates the bookshop that has been in her family for awhile. She even buys the empty store next to it and makes it an events area for the bookshop. She has her very first author appearance only nothing goes as planned. Right after the author mentions he won't be writing any more books in his popular mystery series and mentions the main character was based an a PI who died in this very bookstore, he takes a drink of water and ends up dying.

While all this is going on Pen starts to hear a voice in her head, the voice belongs to ghost of the PI mentioned in these books. Pen doesn't believe in ghosts but can't explain what is happening. With the ghosts encouragement and help she decides to figure out who the murder is, since it happened in her store and she is a suspect.

I really enjoyed this series. I thought it was very different, I haven't read any other cozy mystery where the ghost talks to just one person and helps them with the mystery. I liked the characters too. This is definitely a series I'll continue to read.

new author/mystery/261 pgs

1 comment:

ErinPaperbackstash said...

Sounds intriguing, I haven't read a novel in that helm either.