Thursday, April 10, 2008

Author Signing: Jim Butcher

Now, I admit, I didn't actually go to this book signing. I had school last night and so I asked my Mom to go in my place and get my book signed. And for those loyal readers, no - you didn't miss a review on his book. I own the first one in the series, but that doesn't mean I've read it. haha!
Now the series I'm interested in by him is the Dresden Files. I've heard it's really good and several have recommended it to me. I just haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

So here's what my Mom had to say. She thought the guy was funny and very interesting. She enjoyed the fact that he didn't read from the book and told him so. His response: "Well, I figured everyone here can read." haha! She started reading my book while she was waiting for the signing and even though I don't even think she has hit 50 pages yet, she said it started off really good. So, needless to say, she is going to be reading it before I do. She also bought the 2nd in the series and the newest one for me so that they could be signed.

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