Thursday, April 10, 2008

Booking Through Thursday: Writing Challenge

Pick up the nearest book. (I’m sure you must have one nearby.)
Turn to page 123.
What is the first sentence on the page?
The last sentence on the page?
Now . . . connect them together….(And no, you may not transcribe the entire page of the book–that’s cheating!)

The book is Twisted by Andrea Kane.

The first sentence is: "Oh, and I've got a few favors to call in so I can get my hands on cell-phone records and figure out who's been screwing with me via heavy-breathing hang-ups and following me around."

The last sentence: "Stored-up rage exploded through her like cannon fire, and she planted herself right in Derek's face, raised her head, and met his gaze with her own blazing stare."

Connect them together:

"Oh, and I've got a few favors to call in so I can get my hands on cell-phone records and figure out who's been screwing with me via heavy-breathing hang-ups and following me around. The she looked up at Derek and saw a guilty look on his face. At that moment she knew. Stored-up rage exploded through her like cannon fire, and she planted herself right in Derek's face, raised her head, and met his gaze with her own blazing stare."

(I made up the middle sentences, for those who have read the book or will read the book - just keep that in mind)


Judy said...

Good job of connecting these. Are you going to take this further? I would like to know more about these two.

Maree said...

Good connection. The book sounds interesting.