So here it is..the bookmark that the participants in my cozy mystery challenge will receive. I only received one person's mailing address though...so there's is going out in the mail tomorrow. Jenn...I hope you are excited! I have another person's address already, but um, ran out of stamps. So..I ordered more and as soon as they arrive. I'll mail it. For the rest of you...if you wish to get your hands on this lovely piece of artwork, please contact me.
(oh..and yes...they are laminated!)
Very pretty. I take it you have my address?
I gave you my addy right?
Heidi - I do have your address! I'm just waiting on stamps.
Sharon - I don't believe I yours, could you send it again? Thanks!
Oh now I really wish I wasn't lazy and had participated lol. It's so cute! Love the owl.
Ladytink - see...you should have joined! I love the owl too - one of the reasons I bought that set.
(psst...send me your address, I'll mail you one!)
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