Poke Rafferty is an American living in Bangkok. He has just become engaged/married to Rose. He also has a daughter, or at least a girl he considers his daughter and takes care of her. He is researching for his next novel and is in contact with an ex-cia named Prettyman. This man is helping him learn the dark side of Bangkok, including how to follow somebody and recognize when he is followed. One day Poke recognizes a very beautiful woman following him. Soon she forces him to go with her, to meet somebody. That somebody turns out to be his father. The father that left him and his mother over 20 years ago. The father that he hasn't had contact with since, and doesn't want to see or know. It turns out that his father has an evil man after him, Col. Chu. He stole something very important to Col. Chu and knows that Poke and his family are in trouble. When Col. Chu kidnaps Poke's wife and child, and a friends wife, he must do whatever he can to get his loved ones back unharmed. Mix into this that somebody slipped Rose's business partner some fake money and now the American and the Thai' governments are causing them trouble. Are these two issues separate or will fixing one fix the other?
I thought this was a stand-alone novel when I picked it up, but it appears to be a sequel. Oops.
It took me awhile to get really involved with the book. In fact, I put it aside and picked up another to read. But once I picked this book up again and kept reading it, I got more and more interested in what was going on. I wonder if maybe I didn't get involved right away because I didn't read the first book? Or maybe it was just me? Either way, It ended up being a really good story. I wanted to know how Poke was going to get his family back and if the issues between him and his dad would ever be resolved. I wanted to know how he was going to end up making everything work. Even though I haven't read the first book, I would probably recommend that you start with that one. I think if you did, the second would probably catch your interest soon.
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(new author.mystery.312pgs)
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