Publisher: Berkley (Prime Crime)
Genre: Mystery
Pages: 202
Challenges: 2009 Read-Your-Own Books, Series Challenge Season 3
New-to-me Author? No
Simple Description:
Alex has agreed to let a local rich man display his emerald at the inn. The emerald is the biggest ever found and worth a lot of money. It's the last day for the emerald to be available for the public to view. When the owner shows up at the Inn, they find the security guard who was watching over the emerald dead. Then they find that the emerald has been stolen.
Alex vows to stay out of the murder investigation, however that's hard to do when one of his guests is shot out. Then, Alex and Elise are shot at.
This one has a lot more to do with Alex and Elise and the things going on at the Inn than it does the murder. I'm not complaining though, I liked it that way.
Why did I read this book?
I love this series. It's the last in the series, unfortunately. I have been saving this one because I didn't want the series to end however I finally decided it was time to read it and enjoy it.
Was there something I didn't like?
Only the fact that it's the last in the series, otherwise I loved it.
Do I recommend this book?
Absolutely! Although, I do recommend you read the series in order. Tim Myers writes a great cozy mystery, well, several actually. This is one of my favorite though. The charactors are great, the setting is peaceful..how can you not like it?
If you have reviewed this book, please let me know and I'll link it below.
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Sounds like a good series. I'll have to check it out.
This does sound like a good series. Does the author plan to write more books in the series or is it really finished? It's always sad to see a series come to an end.
I really wish he would write some more books in all of the series that he has started. Drives me nuts.
Thanks for the review. I'll add this series to my list. I love cozy mysteries.
Bermudaonion - This is a great series, all series I've started by this author have been good though
Literary Feline - I kinda doubt he will write more in this series, unfortunatly. He also writes as Melissa Glazer and Elizabeth Bright. He hasn't written a new book in any of his original 3 series in a couple of years
Heidi - I'm with you...so wish I could read more in this series..and others of his
Beth - Can't wait to see what you think of this series!
I'm curious, some Prime Crime books have "extras" in them (recipes, facts, etc.). Does this?
Ladytink - good question! This series, and I believe all the ones he writes under his real name, don't have any extras.
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