I'm currently reading Hella Nation by Evan Wright. It's very different from what I normally use, but very interesting. The blurb under the title says: Looking for happy Meals in kandahar, Rocking the Side Pope, Wingnut's War Aganst the Gap, and Other Adventures with the Totally Lost Tribes of America.
To be perfectly honest, some stories are better and more interesting than others. But I think which stories that interested or don't interest me could be totally different for you. So be waiting for this review. I hope to have this book finished before the end of the week. I have less than half the book to go, but reading has been slow for me lately, so who knows.
Coming up next is Rules of Prey by John Sandford. It's a series I've been wanting to read, but as usual kept putting it off. One of my yahoo groups has this author as the Author of the Month, so that was just the kick in the pants I needed to finally read it.
John Sandford writes thrillers, doesn´t he? I think I have read two or three of them and they were rather well-written & engaging reads.
I am reading Martin Edwards, The Cipher Garden right now. A real pleasure, and though it isn´t "cozy mystery", I think it is ever so cosy reading it ;)
Dorte - I believe they would be considered thrillers. I'm really looking forward to it. Oh...I'll be waiting on your review of The Cipher Garden.
About Hella Nation by Evan Wright, all I can say is LOL over that cover!
J.Kaye - haha! I know - that's part of what caught my interest in the book.
I haven't had much luck with short stories. I'll watch for the review, though.
Just found your blog, reading & scrapbooking my two favourite things to do (I have a separate blog for each LOL.) I enjoy John Sandford's novels. Have a great reading week :-)
Mary - at first I was like - what? these aren't short stories! but as soon as I thought that, I realized you were right. haha!
Teddyree - Thanks! I used to have two blogs but early this year I combined them, I'll hve to check yours out.
I will forward to reading your review, Kris. I find that I often like some stories better than others in short story collections.
I've been wanting to read Sanford's series too. It just never seems to be the right time though. I probably could say that for many authors and books though. So many books to read . . .
Literarny Feline - I know - I think it's weird that there are books I really want to read, but once I own them, I always put them off. haha!
I've read like the first three Prey books and although I liked them, I never picked up any others.
ladytink - glad you liked them! I keep reading great reviews, so I'm glad to finally be reading one. I do the same thing with lots of series, I think I just get side-tracked with other boks/authors. My Mom is the opposite, she will stick to the same authors because she likes them, I've recommended books to her before and she will not read them yet because she wants to keep up-to-date on the authors she already reads. I wish I had that dedication sometimes.
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