One of the perks from being a member of Bzzagent is that sometimes I get to test new products. Even better is that sometimes they include coupons for me to pass on to others. You're lucky day!
Nature's Source cleaning products was a product I was planning to try anyway, so I was especially excited when I had the chance to test the products first.
Many of you might not know that I'm a big eco-friendly advocate. Seriously. We used to live in an area where recycling wasn't an option. So I used to save my recyclables and bring them over to my Mom's house or my sisters houses when I visited, since they were able to recycle. Now that we live in an area where we can recycle, I'm in 7th heaven. That's a big besides the point though isn't it?
Nature's Source natural cleanrs are made with 99+% natural ingredients. So all products are redily found in the environment and can easily be reproduced. The ingredients are also free of ammonia, bleach, and phosphrous. This is a huge plus since those ingredients can harm the environment. Of course, the bottles can(and should be!) recycled too. So basicallly you can clean your house and feel good about the environment at the same time. I've used all the cleaners. There are 4 types: a glass cleaner, bathroom cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, and an all-purpose cleaner. I've used the two bathroom cleaners the most. I've used the glass cleaner a couple of times. I've usd the all-purpose cleaner a couple of times. All products worked just as well, if not better, than products I was already using. In fact, this is a scrubbing bubbles brand and I use them for the bathroom anyway. I do wish they would come out with a granite cleaner though. That's why I haven't used the all-purpose cleaner much, our kitchen counters are granite.
You know what else I love? In the packet of info I received with my test products and coupons, i received some info on the materials. In the mini booklet, towards the end, the company had this to share:
Nature's Source Natrual Glass & Surface Cleaner, Natural All-PUrpose Cleaner, and Natural Bathroom Cleaner are manufactured in a facility powered by renewable energy from a local landfill.
Isn't that awesome? I will tell you right now that this brand will probably become the only brand I end up buying, just because I like how environmentally aware the company is in both their facilities and their product.
Ok, so really, now that I've told you about the products....you want to get a coupon to try it for free right? I have 5 coupons for a free Nature's Source Natural Cleaner (up to $4.19). The coupons expire on 08/31/09, so there is plenty of time to use them. Please fill out the form below. I will randomly pick numbers (using random.org). 5 lucky winners will get the coupon! You must enter by midnight on April 27th. I am going to ask that you go ahead and enter your mailing address on the form. I swear I won't use it for anything other than mailing a coupon if you win. I find it easier to get the info right away instead of contacting you later. This info will be confidental, I will be the only one with access to it.
Thanks everyone! Oh, and want more info, check out the companies website.
((please note - the contest is now over - please don't leave a comment requesting coupons))
Please enter me... I submitted the form! I love coupons just like you. How is the CVS coming along? I just picked up some free Body Wash and toothpaste today. I love CVS and think it is so much better than Walgreens which gives me problems.
Kristie - I checked and your submission worked, so you are in the running. haha! I don't have a CVS yet! GRRRRR... The good news is that they are building one a couple miles from my house. It's a bit out of the way, to the point where I won't go just for one item, but will for several deals. I can't wait for it to open!
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