Wednesday, December 2, 2009

War Through the Generations - Vietnam War Challenge 2010

I absolutely loved participating in the War Through the Generations challenge this year. The war we read about this year was WWII. While I am a WWII buff, I also admit to not reading as much about it as I would like. So I'm glad the challenge "forced" me to read at least 5 books. I'm signing up for the challenge again in 2010 and I'm excited that the war we are to read about is the Vietnam war. I don't believe I have read any books regarding this war although I have been wanting to for a long time.

The challenge is a bit different this year, there are different catagories to choose from and even a buddy read. I urge you to check out the blog for this challenge, War Through the Generations, for more info.

I'm going to participate in the catagory: DIP
The challenge is to read 5 books that deal with the Vietnam War, in some aspect.

I honestly have no idea what books to read for this, so if any of my readers have read any books that deal with Vietnam War and you enjoyed it, I would love it if you left a comment with the title/author so I can check it out.

Since I don't already have a list of books I know I want to read, I'm not going to create a list in advance, this is one where I'll have to select the book as I go.


bermudaonion said...

A great book for this challenge is After the Flag has been Folded by Karen Spears Zacharias. The book was originally titled Hero Mama, in case you run across an older copy. Good luck with the challenge.

Serena said...

I wanted to thank you for joining the Vietnam War reading challenge for 2010. We appreciate it and hope you will participate in the buddy read of Paco's Story!

Also, here's a list that we just started, and will be added to as we go, of recommended reads on the Vietnam war in some respect.

I would recommend anything from Tim O'Brien in this list. He is a phenomenal writer, and there is some poetry, which are very thin books and quick reads. I really enjoyed Yusef Komunyakaa's book.

Thanks again and welcome to the challenge.

CJ said...

A Rumor of War by Philip Caputo

Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam

Home Before Morning: The Story of an Army Nurse in Vietnam by Lynda Van Devanter

In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam by Robert McNamara

I loved the first three. The last, by the man who was the Secretary of Defense during the early years of Vietnam made me angry and sad.


Anna said...

Awesome! So glad you'll be joining us next year!

I highly recommend Tim O'Brien, as well as the buddy read book we selected "Paco's Story." That's a great look at the traumas vets faced when they came home and the whys behind them. Graphic, but great.

Also, check out our recommended reading page here. It's a work-in-progress, but it's a good starting point. And feel free to e-mail me with any questions. I took a Vietnam War literature course in college and read some really good books.

Diary of an Eccentric

Unknown said...

Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I can't wait to look up some of the titles and make a list of possible reads. I definitely plan to read Paco's story too.