Monday, August 2, 2010

July 2010 Reads

Total Books Read: 10

New authors: 8
Mystery: 5
Fiction: 3
Young Adult: 2
Pages: 2,741
Audio: 1

Tressed to Kill by Lila Dare
Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer
A Match Made in High School by Kristin Walker *
Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay *
The Quick and the Thread by Amanda Lee
At the King's Command by Susan Wiggs
Bookmarked for Death by Lorna Barrett
Secondhand Spirits by Juliet Blackwell *
Paco's Story by Larry Heinemann *
Left to Die by Lisa Jackson

* favorites for the month (for various reasons)

Series Challenge - 5/7 books, 1/3 series
What's in a Name?  - 4/6
Chic Lit Challenge - 4/8
Year of the Historical - 6/12
War Through the Generations - 4/5
Stephanie Plum - 4/5
Young Adult - 9/12
Thriller and Suspense - 11/12
TBR - 8/24
Audio Book - 16/20
Buy 1 Book and Read it - 9/12
Cozy Mystery - 6/6 - Finished!!

Overall I made some progress on my challenges. I finished one, yippy!  I'm close to finishing a couple more.  I need to really start focusing on the challenges though or I'm afraid December will start and I'll still have several to work on. 


Marce said...

Left to Die is on my TBR list, it will be my 1st Lisa Jackson book.

You had a great month.

Unknown said...

Karen - I can't believe the number of challenges either! I'm nuts! I definitely double dip, but not every book for every challenge. I make sure of that. I try to read mostly what I already own when I can, but that doesn't always work out.

Marce - be prepared for the cliff hanger ending in Left to Die. I hope you like it, it was my first by the author too.