Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - mini review

What in the world kept me from picking up this book till now? I absolutely loved it!

I started this book yesterday afternoon and I'm already finished with it, 24 hours later.  Now that's a sign of a good book.

The Hunger Games takes place in a a post apocalyptic world where North America isn't what it used to be and the new nation is known as Panem.  The people live either in the capital or one of 12 districts.

This book starts with the start of the current Hunger Games.  Each year a boy and a girl are selected from each district and made to fight against each other. These games are televised until there is only one participant left alive.  Katniss Everdeen is the girl who is going to fight for district 12.  She's poor and not the most likely victor, but she has spunk and something else. She has smarts and a reason to live.

This book takes us through the Hunger Games where we learn more about Katniss and what her life is like and what she does in hopes of surviving the Hunger Games.

I just adored this book. I think the story moved well, very fast pasted for me. I loved Katniss and was rooting for her the whole time.  I'm anxious to get to the next book in the trilogy but know I'll be waiting a month or so.  I have refrained from reading any reviews about all the books in this series in hopes of not being given any spoilers.  I read just enough to know if those whose blogs I follow liked the books or not, but that's about it.  I think it worked well in my favor because I really had no idea what to expect. I knew it had to deal with a game where only one person would survive but that's it.  I tried to keep any spoilers out of my review too.   This also means that I have no stinking clue what the story lines are like for the next two books. The anticipation just might be the end of me. haha!


Vickie said...

This arrived in the mail this week from my Recorded Books wishlist. Can't wait to listen to it.

Unknown said...

OH..I can't wait to hear how the audio version is Vickie. Fingers crossed you like it as much as I did.

Just Mom said...

I waited too long to read this one too but the good part is that you can get right to the rest of the series! I loved them all!

Unknown said...

Just Mom - Glad you enjoyed this one too! I have so many buddy reads and other reading plans for the rest of the year that I won't get to the 2nd in the trilogy till February! I'm definitely looking forward to it though.

Anna said...

I loved this book, too, and my non-reader husband read it in a matter of days.

Unknown said...

Anna - I thought for sure my husband would like it because it's a post-apocalyptic read, but he thought it was just ok. Glad to hear your husband liked it better!