This year I've had a challenge just getting in as much reading as I would like, much less reading all the books I had planned to read for challenges. Sometimes I wonder why this is, sometimes I have to admit to myself it's probably due to all the working out and my husband wanting me to watch tv with him in the evenings. While I miss reading like I used to, I also know that I enjoy working out and darn it if there aren't some good shows on TV this time around (American Horror Story anybody?). Recently, since July, I've also been suffering from insomnia and while you would think this means a lot of reading time, it doesn't. While I can sometimes get in some reading early in the AM, I'm in such a fog at night that I manage only about 5 pages (if I'm lucky) before falling asleep.
I've made the decision to stop working on most of the challenges I haven't completed yet this year. This is a hard decision for me as I hate to "give-up" on something but I know it's for the best. I just won't have time to read everything. The one challenge I really didn't do well on this year and I'm disappointed with is the War Through the generations: Civil War Challenge. I had hoped to read a lot of books for it this year and I've managed one. While I won't get a chance to complete it this year, I'm still planning to read the books for it through next year. I've been watching a lot of shows on The History Channel about the Civil War and reading magazine articles and articles online. I love it. I just haven't managed to read many books.
Looking forward at next year I've made the decision to join up to only 3 challenges. I doubt I'll even join that many. I know my reading is going to get even worse next year. Not only will I still be focusing on working out and probably hanging with the husband, I also have another and more important reason. I'm happy to share the news and let you know that I'm pregnant. Husband and I have been trying for awhile and dealing with infertility. I don't want to bore you with all the details but as you can imagine we are incredibly happy. Sometimes I think how much I'll miss being able to read as much and connect with my blogging friends but then I think about why and I'm ok with that. I'm going to try and remain as active as I can between now and when I'm due. I'm also going to try and not go crazy with the challenges. I have to remind myself that I won't get to read much so I need to not commit myself to certain books. Till then, let's see how well I can do getting in some quality reading time before my life turns upside down, but for a good reason.
sad to see you won't be able to join so many challenges (there are lots of good ones out there) but CONGRATULATIONS on the reason why!
fyi {snicker} it's never to early to read to a child ;)
I tried to limit mine for 2012 but some of them only require 1 book....
I've really bombed on challenges this year, too, so I understand. I think I'll probably only sign up for one for next year plus continue with the 2 perpetual challenges I'm in.
Congratulations. With the changes that are coming into your life, reading challenges are not that important. It took me seven years to have my first and once your child is here, what used to be important no longer is. Cherish the time.
If you are determined to keep up with challenges, there is a picture book challenge that you might have fun with when you are thinking of adding a bookshelf to your nursery.
Best Wishes to both of you.
Book Dragon - So very true!
Bermudaonion - I'm glad I'm not alone. lol
Stepfordmomto2 - oh..I'll have to look into the picture book challenge. I have a feeling I could excel at that one. haha!
Please don't stress out about the challenges! It's supposed to be fun, regardless of whether you finish them or not. I'm planning to read more for my challenges in Dec., but we'll see how that goes.
Serena and I will be posting next year's challenge any day now. We hope you'll join us regardless! No pressure on completing it.
CONGRATULATIONS on your Big News ..... to you and your husband both. So happy for you and your family. I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope for a healthy and easy pregnancy!!!
Anna - I do love the challenges, but I do hate not completing them. lol! I'm trying not to let that bother me though. I can't wait to catch up on blog posts and see what the challenge is for War Through the Generations next year! I'll definitely be joining it and giving it a shot.
Julie - Thanks! I appreciate it! So far all is good and I'm hoping it stays that way. haha
Good for you for giving yourself permission to not complete the challeneges.
I signed up for several my first year blogging but quickly realized I don't like reading from a list, a must read type of thing. It began to feel like homework for me. Me personally that is.
Challenges are a great way to belong to a community though, this is something I tend to miss out on so do try a few for 2012.
Enjoy your reading!
Mari - For some reason I do well with the lists or at least trying to read a certain type, etc. My favorite are those that get me out of my comfort zone yet are things I keep wanting to read..such as the war novels (which I really slacked on this year lol).
Congratulations on the new baby! You will probably stop reading for awhile once the baby is born, but eventually you'll find time to get back to it. Plus I learned early that it is very good for children to see you reading, cuz then they wanna read too. So you'll be will just be picture books for awhile! LOL
I've decided to stop doing reviews so I have more time to read.
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