#1 50 Shades trilogy
Copyright: 2012
Publisher: Vintage Books
Genre: fiction/erotica
Pages: 514
Author's Website
My rating: 3/5
Simple Description:
I'm sure by now you all know what this book is about. Fifty Shades of Grey is an erotica novel getting a lot of press these days. Anastasia Steele is a virgin, in fact she hasn't even really dated before. This all changes when she meets billionaire Christian Gray. She is instantly attracted to him and he to her. The thing is that he doesn't want a relationship, he wants a submissive and he wants that person to be her.
Anastasia's first adventure in to sex is with S&M, something she wasn't even aware of before. She struggles with her love for Christian yet her repulsion at being a submissive.
My Thoughts:
I'm torn on this one. I had high hopes for it, I admit to liking erotica even though I don't read it very often. I'm torn because while the story was decent there just wasn't enough sex in it for me. haha! The sex that was in there was graphic but not as graphic as I would like. I can see why a lot of people are liking this one, and I did like it, it just wasn't really enough for me in terms of erotica. You can also tell that this was the first novel by the author, the writing wasn't as good as you would expect for a more established author.
With all of that being said..I still liked it, I just didn't like it as much as I had hoped to.
I totally understand your opinion. I loved it because I found it was mysterious and thrilling with a touch of romance that happened to be erotica/BDSM.
I didn't expect the writing to be the best so it met my expectations, I loved this one and only enjoyed the others.
LOL I think it's hilarious that the sex wasn't graphic enough for you, given the publicity. Have you seen the video of Ellen DeGeneres reading it?
Marce & Bookfool - you know what I think it is? I read the Beauty trilogy by Anne Rice years ago and loved it! It deals with s&m and the writing was great. So even though I knew not to expect the writing to be as good, I think I still had higher expectations due to that.
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