Saturday, May 12, 2012

Meet the newest member of my family

I gave birth to a healthy baby girl on May 3rd.  She came in at 5lbs 10oz and measured 18 inches long.  She's itty bitty but great things come in small packages right?

As if my blogging/reading was spotty this past year or so, it will be even worse from now on.  I'm reading some but as you can imagine there's a new love in my life now and she takes top priority. 


bermudaonion said...

Small babies like that are nice for the mama and catch up very quickly. She's a real beauty! Congratulations!!

Literary Feline said...

Congratulations, Kris! She is adorable. Best wishes to you and your family!

Bookfool said...

Well, of course she does. You can read more in a few years. She's a beauty, Kris!

Poppy Q said...

Welcome to your little poppet. She looks like a little sweetie, and I hope you are having lots of fun together.

Julie Q

Stacy at The Novel Life said...

she is so perfect! i wish you and your growing family the absolute best! Enjoy your time with your sweet baby

bermudaonion said...

I could have sworn a left a comment on this post. Congratulations! Your little one is just gorgeous! Happy Mother's Day!

Veggiemomof2 said...

Adorable! Congrats Mom!

Kelly said...

Congratulations!!! I decided to check here after posting on the Cozy Challenge page and was thrilled to see your good news!!