Monday, September 11, 2006

Killer Insight by Victoria Laurie

I loved this book! This is the latest in the Abby Cooper - psychic eye mystery series. Abby goes to Colorado for a friends wedding. When she arrives she is told that one of the bridesmaids flew to California unexpectadly and won't be able to attend the wedding. Abby is looking at pictures when she realizes the bridesmaid is dead. Abby helps the sheriff try to find out what happened but in the meantime other bridesmaids start to disappear too.
I believe this is the 4th book in the series and I am hooked - I was actually hooked from the 1st one, but still. haha!


Anonymous said...

cool.. i'm hoping to check this series out.

Anonymous said...

I'm FINALLY starting the first book in the series (if you recall, I picked it up after reading your review). It's REALLY good so far -I even picked up the second in the series on my lunch break today.